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Connection refused

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 3:23 pm
by Toot
Some time ago, I started a migration onto our mail host, doomed to failure.

So now I'm trying to get it (v5.5.0) going on the old(er) server again, which I'd expected to be a 2-minute job.

However, it starts but doesn't work - users see a java exception "Connection refused". I can't think why this would be as it worked last time it was used and nothing of any significance has happened in the meantime.

There is still a db (I can SELECT COUNT(*) FROM customer_1_tbl, for example). Ports 25, 8044, 8080 and 8081 are all open, it just seems that OpenEMM can't connect to mysql any more. I've searched and searched and see lots of similar looking problems but no solutions.

I'm stuck now - can anyone help please?

Thanks for your time,

Problem confirmed

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 4:45 pm
by buggyboy
This is probably the same error as in this thread:

Please post your followups there