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Language for Salutations

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 5:44 pm
by flyboy
When you use the [agnTITLE] tag, how does OpenEMM figure out what language to use? It coming out in German for me.

I'm wondering if it's working off a systemwide default setting. That would be O.K. if I could set it to English, but the intention may have been to make it a unique setting for each Recipient, but I don't see that setting.


english salutation

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 11:01 am
by maschoff
Please define your own salutation in OpenEMM in this menu:

Settings -> Forms of address (yes, bad wording, will be changed in the next release)

In your e-mail use the tag

[agnTITLEFULL type=1]

Replace "1" with the number of the salutation you defined.

Re: english salutation

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 2:22 pm
by markus

I'm doing some research concerning newsletter systems. Kudos to the OpenEMM dev team. A well equipped newsletter tools!

I'm testing OpenEMM now especially mail personalisation. I tried to define a custom salutation (in german). The tag agnTITLEFULL type= [salutation id] works as described. But the title (e.g. academic grade) is missing (intended behavior?). There is already the title column in the table customer_1_tbl. Is there a hidden tag for the salutation itself (e.g. "Sehr geehrter Herr" or "Dear Mr")? Title, firstname, lastname are available via the agnDB tags.
master wrote: In your e-mail use the tag

[agnTITLEFULL type=1]

Replace "1" with the number of the salutation you defined.
Thanks for any hints.
