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UTF-8 Characters in CMS Modules

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 11:53 am
by racer2k
Hello everyone.

I'm trying to set up a CMS section for russian (cyrillic) characters.

After looking a lot on the connection strings and other possible solutions, I'm now at the spot where I need your help guys.

When I go via Mailings -> Templates, and enter cyrillic (or arabic) text. It works well and the data is saved properly.

Now I have added a module in the CMS and there it converts them back to ?????? after saving.

- The sql connection string is fine I, as via Templates, the data is saved correctly.
- When I update the headline manually via my mysql tool (MySQL workbench in my case) and reload the page, it will be displayed correctly in russian.

After saving the content module, I have the ???? again.

So I think there is an issue with the fckeditor on the CMS modules? (the CMS editor via Templates works fine)

Any suggestions?

I tested it on the public server as well, without any success for the cms modules.

Thank you for your feedback.


Re: UTF-8 Characters in CMS Modules

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 9:29 am
by racer2k

any ideas? anyone?