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How are the send email count

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 12:14 pm
by jstephan
Hi there,

i started an newsletter on Thursday. There are 55.000 emails to send. Now on today (Monday) the send statistic tells me he just send 34.000 emails, and i can see in the log file that its still sending, but currently i can only see deferred emails.

So my question, how is the number of send emails counted?
Could it be that there are only 34.000 sended because all the others are deffered and tried to resend?


Re: How are the send email count

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 12:40 pm
by jstephan

i guess i found the problem, but dont know how to solve it,

Aug 29 11:39:34 XXXXXXX sendmail[23392]: grew WorkList for /home/openemm/var/spool/QUEUE to 6000

cause there are a may amount of 6000 emails in the worklist, they are now full with deferred emails, so the rest cant be send until this list gets empty, right?


Re: How are the send email count

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 1:19 pm
by bla2508

we have the same problem our solution is to move all queued messages to another directory that openemm can put new mails in the queue in your opinion max. 6000.
Some time later we copy the previously backed up queue back to the openemm queue. Lot of deffered messages are blocked by the mail provider because they think you are a spammer.
Another tipp is to increase the mailqueue to a higher value we use 20k, but if you have many bad recipient adress it dont help.

Hope that answer helps you



Re: How are the send email count

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:23 am
by jstephan
Hi there,

i just thought about increasind the sendmail worklist to some 10.000 mails. That would also solve the problem i guess. Or maybe i just optimize the bounce managment.


Re: How are the send email count

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 11:42 am
by Fatalin

I believe you have to work on your bounce management and mailing list cleanup first.
Increasing the QUEUE size does not solve your problem; it just delays it (increasing the queue to i.e. 10K or 20K will lead to the queue being filled up later, yet the underlying problem persist).

To cleanup your mailing list you have to have a working bounce management in place AND must look into the LOG files to see if there are black-listing entries or other problems that help you remove incorrect recipients from your mailing list.

The more work you spend on the cleanup the better your sending performance AND delivery rates will be.

Best Regards

P.S. Don't forget to define your blacklist to remove "10 minute" email addresses.