Documentation Request: note nslookup dependency

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Documentation Request: note nslookup dependency

Post by carlocapocasa »

Hi, and thanks for making OpenEMM!

I have been investigating a problem about not being able to send out emails while using the OpenEMM internal SMTP server.

I finally traced the error to the package dnstools not being installed. This seems to be the case on minimal Debian installs, and is likely also the case with minimal Ubuntu installs.

If you can find a reasonable place to put this information that'd be great, perhaps a troubleshooting section in the install guide.

Also, it would be great to include the location /home/openemm/var/log in the install guide, and perhaps include this information:

Just to be fine tuning a fantastic install process with great docs. Thanks!

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Re: Documentation Request: note nslookup dependency

Post by maschoff »

We have a Wiki page for Debian at ... uideDebian.

The install guide covers only RedHat, Suse and Ubuntu to keep the document short. But if package dnstools might also be missing from Ubuntu we could include it. Would the install command be "apt-get install dnstools"?
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Re: Documentation Request: note nslookup dependency

Post by carlocapocasa »

I'm sorry I bungled the package name, it is dnsutils, *not* dnstools, both in Debian and Ubuntu.

While ubuntu-standard contains the package, ubuntu-minimal does not.

So the command would be

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apt-get install dnsutils
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Re: Documentation Request: note nslookup dependency

Post by tedrashwin »

thanks for sharing....

MS therapy
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