Limits in xmlback reached

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Limits in xmlback reached

Post by dennisbirkholz »


i am using OpenEMM 5.4.0 on Gentoo-Linux and it seems to me that xmlback has some limitations that cause it to break when creating a mailing.
I my case a customer has 5.000 receipients, about 20 links common to all receipients and about 20.000 links depending on receipients interests.

In my pickdist-log appears the line "ERROR/block: Failed to execute mail creator "xmlback '-vlogenerate:account-logfile=var/spool/log/account.log;media=email;path=/home/openemm/var/spool/QUEUE' '/home/openemm/var/spool/META/AgnMail=D20080527075537=1=65=002=liaMngA.xml.gz'" with 9", which indicates to me that xmlback does not work correctly. Calling xmlback directly shows no error message, only "killed".

The generated xmlfile has about 1.000.000 lines, is about 12M of size (as .gz) and about 100M unzipped.

The same mailing with only 1.000 receipients works perfect.
Are there limits build in xmlback or has anybody a suggestion about this problem?

Dennis Birkholz
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Post by maschoff »

There are three (actually four) possible solutions:

1. Put more memory into your server
2. Reduce the block size in file from 5,000 to a smaller value
3. Use our commercial software EMM
(4. Rewrite the link-generating Java code to C)
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Post by dennisbirkholz »

Thank you for you fast reply.

To answer your solution suggestions:
1. Put more memory into your server
It seems not to be a memory limit as the server has 1G of memory and over 512M free.
2. Reduce the block size in file from 5,000 to a smaller value
I think this seems to be the really interesting one: could you please tell me what exactly this setting means (mailgun.ini.blocksize)? Or is there a complete documentation of the available settings somewhere?
3. Use our commercial software EMM
That's what I tried to get my customer to when he forced me to install OpenEMM, but without success ;-)
(4. Rewrite the link-generating Java code to C)
And that is no quick-fix in my eyes ;-) So maybe later...

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Post by maschoff »

Re 1: Allocate more heap space to the Java VM via Resin's configuration files console.conf and redirection.conf (like <jvm-arg>-Xmx256m</jvm-arg>)

Re 2: Exactly!
OpenEMM Maintainer
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