Missing 19.07.420 database version

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Missing 19.07.420 database version

Post by Andrey »

After updating to the new OpenEmm 2020 Beta there is the ERROR in System Info.
Missing database version 19.07.420.
Overal Status - ERROR
DB Status - ERROR

Code: Select all

19.07.420	is Missing
19.10.467	OK
20.01.008	OK
20.01.018	OK
20.01.023	OK
20.01.062	OK
20.01.225	OK
20.01.257	OK
20.01.300	OK
20.01.315	OK
20.01.460	OK
The system works looks fine, is it worth worrying?
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Re: Missing 19.07.420 database version

Post by maschoff »

Content of the missing SQL update would be

Code: Select all

CREATE INDEX wfrot$datecustrea$idx ON workflow_reaction_out_tbl (customer_id, reaction_id, step_date);

INSERT INTO agn_dbversioninfo_tbl (version_number, updating_user, update_timestamp)
The index speeds up lookup of table data.
OpenEMM Maintainer
Posts: 57
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Re: Missing 19.07.420 database version

Post by Andrey »

Thank you!
maschoff wrote: Fri May 15, 2020 10:37 am Content of the missing SQL update would be
after invoking the SQL above I've received the:

Code: Select all

MariaDB [openemm]> CREATE INDEX wfrot$datecustrea$idx ON workflow_reaction_out_tbl (customer_id, reaction_id, step_date);
ERROR 1061 (42000): Duplicate key name 'wfrot$datecustrea$idx'
MariaDB [openemm]>
MariaDB [openemm]> INSERT INTO agn_dbversioninfo_tbl (version_number, updating_user, update_timestamp)
Query OK, 1 row affected, 1 warning (0,01 sec)
After this, I decided to reinstall from OpenEmm installer to get more code if any...
Now all systems statuses are OK!
P.S. but the missing favicon error still persists.
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