Measure open rate not tracking. Template parametres.

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Measure open rate not tracking. Template parametres.

Post by frangiz »

Good day,

I've recently installed and put to testing level OpenEMM.
This was done on a Debian 8 machine.

My problem concerns two subjects, Open rate measurement and Template Parametres.

Let's go with order:
When a new mailing is prompted to operate with an "Measure Open rate" let it be on top or at the bottom of the email, it just won't track what happened no matter what.
I've tested this with my company's email domain and gmail. Accounts were set-up for both normal user and admin user deliveries, to allow for better case specific analysis.
Unfortunately I haven't been able to come to a solid conclusion.
What could be the cause of my problem?
Please do not hesitate to ask for further information. I'll be more than glad to provide.

Please note that a server bounce manager HAS NOT been set-up yet. I don't know whether this could be relevant or not.

Second issue:
While starting new mailings I was asked to check for the location of some specific parametres so other colleagues could figure out and operate with them.
Such parametres that I'm in need of location are those that in an e-mail would track down the name of each Recipient and then automatically assign the name for the correct e-mail address.
Fiddling around with the Content section of newly created mailing I wasn't able to locate that specific parametre while utilizing the en_template default template.
While with the Test Template I've taken from my company nothing would show up on the content section besides for the HTML version and Text version of the code (Both sections were empty when clicked anyway.)

So I would like to know how to locate parametres from the en_template and possibly figure out how to create new ones for custom Templates.

Thank you very much for your help!