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One of the Target group does work

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 11:07 am
by vijaya
Hi All,
I have the column with the names: firstName, Email,days_30,days_60 and Number_days_inactive.

Below is the same subscriber
firstName : vijaya
Number_days_inactive: aa_30||qw_56
The days_30 and days_60 have default values 30 and 60 for all the subscribers.

I need to filter the subscribers based on the product "aa" and the value between the range 30 to 60.The "Number_days_inactive" column contains the list of combination of product and value separated by ||.Based on the above example, product is aa and qw and the corresponding values are 30 and 56.

I have written the target group , but it fails .
Target Group
days_30>CAST(SUBSTR(number_days_inactive,LOCATE('aa',number_days_inactive)+3,2) AS SIGNED Integer)
and days_60<CAST(SUBSTR(number_days_inactive,LOCATE('aa',number_days_inactive)+3,2) AS SIGNED Integer)

Please suggest Target group to filter.