Can not send mails with openemm

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Can not send mails with openemm

Post by rcaballero »

I have a problem with sending emails with openemm.
I have installed sles 10 sp2, with the following programs and their versions:
mysql 5.0.26
python 2.4.2
sendmail 8.13.6
java 6.31
tomcat apache 6.0.35
My problem arises when I send an email. I performed the steps indicated by the wizard, I have created a mailing list and created a container belonging to the mailing list I created.
when I make the shipment with the button "Admin-mail (send)"shipping box tells me he has not come out correctly but no mail to the recipient.

In the manual I have found no need to set the smtp-relay.
How can I resolve the issue in order to send mails by the program openemm??

Thanks in advanced