logfile expected in wrong directory Y: instead of C:

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logfile expected in wrong directory Y: instead of C:

Post by AndreasK »

when starting start.bat (after setup) I get the error message below. Installation directory is c:\OpenEMM on Windows XP. Y: is the home drive (company network). The problem stays the same after deletion of openemm, disconnection of Y-drive and reinstallation of openemm. The folder C:\OpenEMM\var\lock exists.
What tells openEMM to look for files on Y-drive ?

Starting up .. home is C:\OpenEMM .. found codebase .. found database.
LOGFILE write failed[(2, 'No such file or directory')]: '[04.12.2007 10:28:17] 2940 INFO/main: Starting up\n'
LOGFILE write failed[(2, 'No such file or directory')]: '[04.12.2007 10:28:17] 2940 FATAL/except: CAUGHT EXCEPTION:\nTraceback (most recent call last
):\n File "C:\\OpenEMM\\bin\\scripts\\bav-update.py", line 399, in <module>\n agn.lock ()\n File "C:\\OpenEMM\\bin\\scripts\\agn.py", line 654, i
n lock\n raise error (report)\nerror: Try locking using file "Y:\\OpenEMM\\var\\lock\\bav-update.lock"\nUnable to create file: No such file or dire
ctory\nUnable to create file: No such file or directory\n\n\n'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\OpenEMM\bin\scripts\bav-update.py", line 399, in <module>
agn.lock ()
File "C:\OpenEMM\bin\scripts\agn.py", line 654, in lock
raise error (report)
error: Try locking using file "Y:\OpenEMM\var\lock\bav-update.lock"
Unable to create file: No such file or directory
Unable to create file: No such file or directory