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Suggested Solution to Installation problems

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 6:46 am
by emailix

recently i discovered OpenEMM.

Unfortunately installing it is at best tricky and not easy for non-techies.

Having to go through many hooplahs just for getting OpenEmm installed clearly limits it's use and prohibits it from spreading / growing.

I wonder why there isn't an installer stack available, that would bundle all that's needed and would allow a sort of point and click install?

If you guys here can't come up with that, perhaps it would be a good idea to vote for the OpenEmm Stack that the people at Bitnami are planning.

They have a poll for this purpose and if everybody here would vote for OpenEMM, chances are we might vote OpenEMM to the top and thus see an easy install solution soon.

So go vote for OpenEMM now here

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 7:58 am
by lord_alan

I'm not sure about these "one solution fits all" packaged installers. We all use different Operating systems, have different system infrastructures, security policies etc.

Installing OpenEMM doesn't take very long and is not really very hard - They've already bundled the Container (Resin) so it's just a single tarball to extract and configure. You will still need to configure a Jumpbox or BitNami package.

Of course for some, maybe the equivalent of a Windows exe is what is needed. But it's not for us I don't think. I like to *know* what is installed on our servers and where and why it is where it is...